Ok, so I am gonna lay it all on the table here, because we all make mistakes, we all have hard times, and we will all do things we regret. And while grace is not an excuse to sin, it does cover my sin on a daily basis. So here goes.
First off, this post could be very offensive to some people, but I am purposefully not censoring my thoughts to give you the fullest picture I can of where my heart has been the past several weeks. Bottom line, I need prayer, and lots of it. The first part to fixing a problem is admitting/realizing that you have one. I have come that far at least. Thank you Lord for your unending forgiveness and grace.
The past several weeks I have been very discontented and frankly unhappy with where the Lord has me right now. I am to a point where I am so ready for another relationship, and God just isn't letting it happen. So I instead turn to anything else that that world has to offer me to bring me temporary satisfaction.
Anything but God.
I have been drinking (not in excess, and not to complete drunkenness, but being underage, any is to much), I have been smoking (a lot), I have been flirting with anything that has two legs and a vagina, and I have been cussing like a sailor (around the groups of people that that is "cool" in). I have been super focused on work and making money, and then spending that money on more things to make me "happy", whether it be new tools, climbing gear, outdoors gear in general, more cigars, alcohol, or stuff for my truck. I have not focused enough on school. The list could go on and on, but you get the idea.
So I say all that to say this. Please pray for me. Thankfully the Lord has never let me wander so far away from him that I get to where I can't see him anymore, but I have been pretty distanced from Him lately. And frankly mad that He won't give me what I want, because we all know that I know what I best for me...or that might be a lie I tell myself to ease my conscience...yeah, it is.
I've been praying for you AND your family for quite some time now, and I will continue to press on with it. I am thankful for your transparency here, very burdened for the dangerous place you've come to. All that you're chasing is a lie, Evan ~ and I know you already know that. I've been where you are, in the past, pursuing the things of this world. I'm praying that God will draw you in a fresh way to Him and to Truth... that you will no longer be able to find even temporary satisfaction in what you're choosing... that you will remember the joy you once had in walking in a manner worthy of the truth. You and your family are very dear to me. I'm grateful that you reached out & are asking for prayer. It is a privelege to be praying for you!
ReplyDeleteBud, you know I have been and continue to pray for you as I do my own kids. Remember Who you belong to. Your defiance and anger toward your heavenly Father will only lead you to rougher roads ahead, as you know and have witnessed. I am praying brokenness and repentance. It looks like you might be headed there through your honesty here, but I am praying that you are able to say these things on your knees yielded to the Lord. He already knows you are angry, tell Him. Cry out. Beg for His help and mercy. You know I've always believed God has great things for you, Evan. I still do. Run back to Him! You know our family is here if you need to come hang out and talk. We love you!